Elder Chandler arrived a few weeks ago. He has settled in nicely with Elder Kelsey in the Luanda 1 branch. You can tell they've had time in the hot sun, but Elder Chandler says he likes being out among the people. Keep up the good work Elders! This transfer President Walton called office elders for the first time in this mission. Unusual since we have no office. But Elders Eckman and Borden are going around to each of the branches helping them get MLS functioning, getting them excited to really know who their members are, and showing them how to do it. They are learning all of the church systems to teach to a new acting mission president once he arrives in July. They have been busy creating their own work for this transfer, but they also have been doing traditional missionary work as well. These are the tools of their trade right now. Good work Elders!
A Mission Region of the Mozambique Maputo Mission
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Monday, March 26, 2012
New Missionary and New Assignments
Elder Chandler arrived a few weeks ago. He has settled in nicely with Elder Kelsey in the Luanda 1 branch. You can tell they've had time in the hot sun, but Elder Chandler says he likes being out among the people. Keep up the good work Elders! This transfer President Walton called office elders for the first time in this mission. Unusual since we have no office. But Elders Eckman and Borden are going around to each of the branches helping them get MLS functioning, getting them excited to really know who their members are, and showing them how to do it. They are learning all of the church systems to teach to a new acting mission president once he arrives in July. They have been busy creating their own work for this transfer, but they also have been doing traditional missionary work as well. These are the tools of their trade right now. Good work Elders!
Slow News Week - So Pictures of Luanda

A lot of the buildings here are not what we would call pretty. They rarely paint them and then when they do it's usually with unbelievably bright colors. Everything has multiple layers of dust and dirt on them. But sometimes if you really look at them, no matter what stage of construction they are in, you see progress, you see hope, you see joy, you see improvement, you see wonderful Angola. Since the people are packed together in the bairros, there are always groups of people standing on the streets or in the alleys conversing, playing, selling things to make a living and just living their lives for all to see. They love children, they love their families, they like to laugh and sing and talk. They are religious and like to talk about religion. And although it is not like home, it is a great place to live and serve.
Pictures of Luanda

Just What Is This Building?
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Another Great Zone Conference
New Missionaries From Angola
Luanda District Relief Society Birthday Party
As most of the Relief Societies around the world, we also had a birthday party to celebrate. Each branch here took a different province in Angola and offered a presentation of their unique clothing, customs, people, land, and food. There was traditional music and dance. It was all a display of pride and joy in their country.
Monday, March 12, 2012
They're Here! Four New Missionaries for Angola!!
We have a tradition in this mission that we have quite a welcoming committee. President and I come (of course), the zone leaders come, and the trainers come. We had more greeters than we did new missionaries arriving. But it is always a fun morning, although a bit early, as we welcome these chosen servants of the Lord to the best mission region in the world. In the back row: Elders Perry (trainer), Anhanha (zone leader), Kelsey (trainer), Bauer (zone leader), and Richter (zone leader). In the front Elders Bene (trainer), and our newest Elders Wilson, Chandler, Hobbs, and McAllister.
We made it safely to the mission home and didn't lose any luggage along the way. Now it's time to haul all their luggage up to the third floor while we have breakfast, lunch and training. Then we'll have to haul it all back down again as they head off to a new location. Seems like missionaries are always hauling something!
After over 24 hours on the way from Salt Lake City to Luanda, Elder McAllister is understandably exhausted. I know Elder Kelsey can remember how he felt when he arrived, so he's glad that Elder McAllister is finding a little time to take a rest. Take it while you can get it, because we have a full afternoon planned for you new arrivals!
Things were a bit hectic since we had other meetings at the mission home the day our missionaries arrived, so we didn't get any other photo's of us with the new arrivals. Elder Wilson stayed around for a while so he could get his interview and while he waited for the zone leaders to come back for him and Elder Bene to take them to Viana, so he got his picture taken with us. The other 3 new missionaries pictures will be posted next week.
FINALLY - A New Zone Leader Truck!
Our Awesome Office Elders
Headed to Lubango
Elder Davis and new missionary, Elder McAllister, are headed to the south of Angola to serve in Lubango. It was time to say goodbye to the Cassequel branch for Elder Davis. This has been home for him for the past 6 months, but change is always good. The members are definitely going to miss him. Since they are only allowed one suitcase with their carry-on, Elder McAllister had to choose and repack his stuff for another plane ride. Poor guy, he got in on Saturday, only to be put on another 2 hour plane ride to Lubango (at least we didn't make them take the 20 hour bus ride). And he had to leave a lot of his things in the mission home. Oh well, he'll love serving in Lubango with our only missionary couple, the Violins.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
This past Saturday we had the baptisms of Maura and Nadine. Elder Bauer, Elder Davis and Elder Perry were there to help and support these newest members. Because water is a precious commodity right now, Elder Borden got resourceful and recycled the font water back into the water tank so they have water to use for bathing or washing in their house. Good thinking Elder!
Missionaries Teach More Than the Gospel
Elder Bene had an opportunity to teach one of the youth in the Viana Branch how to tie his tie. Once again, if you need something done, call a misisonary! We always love to help.
Getting Ready for the New Missionaries
We have 4 new missionaries arriving this week (2 more are coming from Cape Verde but are having visa issues so we're not sure when they will arrive). President Walton and Elders Anhanha and Bauer had to buy beds, mattresses, closets and study tables. When we delivered them to the Luanda 1 house they had no energy, so Elder Walker was studying and having a banana break by the light of his lantern. This is a common sight in Luanda!
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