Monday, April 30, 2012

Zone conference is always a time to learn, be together, be fed physically and spiritually and to just get that shot in the arm that we sometimes need.  Elder Walker is doing a good job with his new missionary, Elder Wilhelm.  Lunch - always a highlight for Elders Perry, Bene, Guente, Chandler and Wilson.  Our special musical number was provided by the Viana district which includes Elders Hansen, Wilson, Tolman, Kearney, and Sande.  Elders Wilson and Hansen took part in one of the role plays on how to be better teachers of the Gospel.


  1. Bless mission presidents and their wives for all they do!

    1. No kidding!! I feel totally spoiled having President and Sister Walton. And they got Elder Kearney to do the musical number? lol THEY ARE GOOD!! I love to it when our sons are doing new things....stretching and growing. What an amazing blessing!!
